The intersection of Pacific Highway (SR 99) and Porter Way has seen a significant increase in traffic in recent years due to congestion on Interstate 5 and regional residential and commercial developments. As a result, the existing signalized intersection required capacity improvements to handle existing and future demands.
As a subconsultant to Transpo Group, PACE provided civil engineering, structural engineering, and landscape design. We designed new curbs, gutters, sidewalks, a retaining wall, drainage, and four ADA curb ramps at the intersection of SR 99 and Porter Way. Our preliminary stormwater system design included a detention/infiltration basin design based on infiltration test results and drainage area evaluation. PACE prepared a summary report with supporting drawings showing proposed dimensions, basin cross sections, piping locations, access, overflow, and other features while also Identifying culverts and other storm facilities the city wanted to replace within the project limits. In addition to these tasks, our team provided several plans, including temporary erosion and sediment control, demolition, roadway grading and drainage, water, and structural.
PACE also supported Transpo in creating an animation of the intersection to showcase the improvements and changes to the roadway corridor. The city used the video for public outreach and engagement.
* PACE created the above project rendering in partnership with Transpo Group.