PACE developed the utility’s first stormwater management plan focusing on capital improvement project needs, solving water quality problems, and providing water quality retrofits. The projects complement the utility’s existing Programmatic Stormwater Management Program. The initial phase included transferring all city and county GIS into a single geodatabase, mapping locations of stormwater issues, and creating a matrix of all problem areas ranked by drainage issues. A hot-spot clustering analysis was performed to show statistically evident groupings of drainage issues. Proposed CIP projects were then rated and ranked for future funding.
PACE’s services also included a programmatic and regulatory gap analysis that documented and reviewed existing staffing, resources, and revenues as well as city codes, ordinances, and development standards to determine the additional activities and resources needed for NPDES Phase II Permit compliance, as well as stormwater management funding and CIP project implementation for both jurisdictions. As part of this project, PACE team members made a detailed presentation. They conducted an interactive workshop with the project’s designated management team, comprising staff and elected officials from both jurisdictions.