PACE designed TIB-funded roadway improvements along North Baker Avenue, from 15th Street to Sand Canyon, just north of 19th Street. Design services included roadway, sidewalk, bike lane, and necessary stormwater facilities. Stormwater for the southern and middle drainage basins is treated with infiltration under the roadway using 36-inch perforated pipe, and the north drainage basin is treated with a bioinfiltration retention area, with overflows to Sand Canyon Creek. The existing Sand Canyon culvert under Baker Avenue was upgraded with an additional 96-inch CMP culvert, with concrete headwalls, trash racks, and an energy dissipation outfall structure. Design flows for the Sand Canyon road crossing are estimated to be 1,100 to 1,300 cfs. PACE delineated wetlands upstream and downstream of the culvert road crossing. Preliminary design of the 96-inch CMP Sand Canyon culvert under Baker Avenue received expedited review and approval from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in only four months.
The project also included right-of-way acquisition for 11 parcels; drainage easements; temporary construction easements; landscape mitigation plans, and interaction with residents living alongside North Baker Avenue. PACE coordinated right-of-way acquisition by providing title reports, parcel appraisals, and developing right-of-way acquisition mapping, legal descriptions, and exhibits for recording property and easement acquisitions. PACE assisted the city’s contract negotiator, as needed, for fast-track right-of-way acquisition.